Stanisław Obirek
Cultural anthropologist, theologian, historian, journalist. He works at the Institute of the Americas and Europe of the University of Warsaw. He lectured at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, at the University of Łódź and at the Ignatianum School of Philosophy and Education. Former Jesuit – ordained in 1983, in 2005, after a series of critical assessments of Polish Catholicism and imposed orders of silence, he left the clergy. He published, inter alia, the works Wizja Kościoła i państwa w kazaniach ks. Piotra Skargi, Umysł wyzwolony. W poszukiwaniu dojrzałego katolicyzmu, Uskrzydlony umysł. Antropologia słowa Waltera Onga, Polak katolik? and a conversation with Zygmunt Bauman O Bogu i człowieku.