Estonia, the smallest of the Baltic countries, is an example of a country that, after gaining independence in 1991, quickly found its own path of development. It is a leader in digital innovation in the European Union and a country with a booming economy, which at the same time cares for its rich cultural and natural heritage.The new issue of ‘Herito’ presents a panoramic view of Estonia – from its history and traditions, to its impressive number of museums, to its modern achievements. The reader will find a story about the identity of Estonians, their pride in their culture and their response to contemporary geopolitical challenges. There are also references to Poland’s relations with Estonia, which have a long and rich history.
At the same time, the country has managed to preserve the unique richness of its culture and nature. In Europe, only micro-states have more museums per capita, and Tartu – one of Estonia’s main cities – proudly holds the title of European Capital of Culture this year.
HERITO offers a panoramic view of Estonia: its history, culture, heritage and contemporary achievements. It is a unique guide to a country that constantly amazes with its innovation, but also with its deep respect for tradition and identity.
Copyright © Herito 2020