The Balticum as a geo-cultural community? Arguments to support this claim would probably be as numerous as sceptical voices. But it is not a question of evidence. Another issue seems to be much more important: why is it advisable to think in terms of large geo-cultural regions and what possibilities are openedby such thinking?Polish Presidency of the Council of the Baltic Sea States provokes us to take a look at the countries situated around the Baltic Sea and their cultures, and to ask some questions.
Can the Baltic be called the Mediterranean of Northern Europe? Does it unite or perhaps divide the nations living around it? With what values is Balticness associated? Can they become the foundation for a Baltic community and identity? To what extent is Poland a Baltic country? Have the Poles become a nation of the sea?
Looking at history, politics and art, we seek answers to these questions.
Contents - no. 20
Common Baltic
Baltic Poland
Our Pond
99 Baltic Stories
Our Neighbours’ Neighbours. Scandinavia and Baltic Central Europe
Northeastern Europe?
The Baltic Sea Region. The Geo‑Cultural Perspective
Balticum and the Concept of Freedom
Does the Baltic Sea Region Have Its Own Identity?
The Baltic States in the 21st Century
The Finns, Finland and the Baltic Sea
The Baltic and the Crescent
The Herring of the Orchestra
Music and the Sea
Cold Sea Odyssey
The Baltic Sea Library
Of Land and Sea. On Art of the 1930s
Scandinavian Design: Where Does the Myth Come From?
The Baltic States: A New Design Tiger?
Baltic Design
Worth a Thought
All numbers


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