Aleksandra Kunce
Specialist in culture studies, she works at the Chair of Aesthetics and Anthropology of Space at the University of Silesia in Katowice. She concetrates in her research on the issues of local man, a power of emplacement and experience of a place. Author of the books: Tożsamość i postmodernizm (Identity and postmodernism, 2003), Myśleć Śląsk (Thinking Silesia, with Zbigniew Kadłubek, 2007), Antropologia punktów. Rozważania przy tekstach Ryszarda Kapuścińskiego (Anthropology of points. Reflexions on texts of Ryszard Kapuściński, 2008), Oikologia. Nauka o domu (Oicology. A knowledge of home, with Tadeusz Sławek and Zbigniew Kadłubek, 2013), Into the Noise. Anthropological and Aesthetic Discourses in Public Sphere (with Maria Popczyk, 2013); Człowiek lokalny. Rozważania umiejscowione (A local man. Emplaced reflections, 2016). She is an editor of Anthropos? magazine.