Maria Dąbrowska-Partyka
Professor of Serbian and Croatian studies, literary and cultural theorist, translator. Lectures at the Jagiellonian University. She studies literature from the cultural perspective, she is interested in the theory and practice of translation, especially of literature, and in the issues of discourse. Her many publications include the monographs: Poetyka i polityka. Proza serbskiej lewicy międzywojennej (Poetics and Politics: the writings of the interwar Serbian Left, PWN, Kraków-Wrocław 1988), Teksty i konteksty. Awangarda w kulturze literackiej Serbów i Chorwatów (Texsts and Contexsts: the avant-garde in the literary culture of the Serbs and Croats, WUJ, Kraków 1999), Świadectwa i mistyfikacje. Przed i po Jugosławii (Testimonies and mystifications: before and after Yugoslavia, WUJ, Krakow 2003). In 2005 the book Literatura pogranicza, pogranicza literatury (Literature of the Frontier, the Frontiers of Literature, WUJ, Kraków 2004) won her the prize of the Literatura na Świecie monthly in translatology, lexicography and literary theory.