Wojciech Bonowicz
Poet, regular columnist for „Tygodnik Powszechny” and the „Znak” magazine. Author of, among others the best-selling biography “Tischner” (first edition 2001, recently reissued 2020), children’s books “Bajki Misia Fisia” and “Misiu Fisiu ma dobry dzień, dobry dzień”, volumes of conversations with Michał Heller and Wojciech Waglewski, as well as seven volumes of poetry. In 2007, he received the Gdynia Literary Award for the volume “pełne morze”, the collection “Polskie znaki” was nominated for the Silesius Award (2011), and the volume “Druga ręka” – for the Literary Award “Nike” and the Wisława Szymborska Prize (2018).