Joan Roca i Albert
An urban geographer by training, has worked in the fields of urban history and education. He has taught for many years at the Institut Barri Besòs and has been invited professor in Seminario de Historia de Barcelona and the HGKZ (Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Zürich). He also teached on the Independent Studies Programme at MACBA (Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona – Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art) and has been the director of the “Urban Majorities Project, 1900-2025” in the Fundació Antoni Tàpies. Since 2007, he is the director of MUHBA, the Barcelona History Museum. His research focuses mainly on urban, social and cultural changes in the contemporary city, since the beginning of industrialization. He published the series Model Barcelona, quaderns de gestió and he has also edited many volumes of the series BCN Bibliteca Històrica and written books and articles on the development of Barcelona, among them L’organització de l’espai a Catalunya (1985), El futur de les perifèries urbanes (1994), La Mina, límits administratius, segregració social i renovació urbana (2003) or Intervención arqueológica, discurso histórico y monumentalización en Barcelona (2010).