Worth a look
The European Night of Museums and International Museum Day 2022
Art and Heritage in Central Europe
Every year many museums throughout Europe open their doors from nightfall until midnight, celebrating international Long Night of Museums. Guided and enlightened tours, fun tours, workshops, screenings, tastings, shows, exceptional animations give a wide audience a friendly and playful experience of the museum.
In 2022 in most European countries the Night of Museums will take place on Saturday, May 14th – with some exceptions. Check out websites of particular institutions to see when they celebrate the event.
Poland: May 14th, 2002, except for Cracow (May 13th)
Czechia: between May 20th and June 11th (https://www.cz-museums.cz/web/festival_muzejnich_noci/titulni)
Slovakia: May 14th (https://www.muzeum.sk/noc-muzei-a-galerii-2022.html)
Hungary: June 25th (https://www.muzej.hu/)
Germany: 13-14 May and 20-21 May (https://www.nachtdermuseen.com/), except for Berlin (27th August: https://www.lange-nacht-der-museen.de/)
Also, on May 18th we celebrate the International Museum Day (IMD) – an event organised by the International Council of Museums since 1977 to raise awareness that “museums are an important means of cultural exchange, enrichment of cultures and development of mutual understanding, cooperation and peace among peoples.” The events and activities planned to celebrate International Museum Day can last a day, a weekend or an entire week. International Museum Day 2022 is entitled “The Power of Museums” – read more: https://icom.museum/en/our-actions/events/international-museum-day/
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