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Art and Heritage in Central Europe

Call for Papers: “Art History, its Methods, Ideas and Institutions in Austria-Hungary, 1873-1918” (28th-30th September 2023 Cracow, Poland)

Art and Heritage in Central Europe

The year 2023 marks the 150th anniversary of the establishment in 1873 of the Commission on Art History of the Academy of Science and Arts in Cracow. This jubilee thus offers a suitable occasion to reflect on art history in the Austro-Hungarian Empire and in relation to the broader development of modern humanistic disciplines.

This conference seeks to go beyond such limited parameters to consider how art historians in the Habsburg Empire engaged with new and emerging ideas about the character of discipline art history should be. In this respect, the year 1873 was a significant turning point, for it marked the first International Congress of Art Historians, held in Vienna, when discussion took place as to how to define art history as a scientific discipline.

Polish Academy of Sciences and the Department of Art History at the Jagiellonian University invite you to submit a draft paper for a 20 to 30 minutes presentation, that should include: the title of the paper with a summary (max. 1800 characters in length); the author’s name, workplace and e-mail address.
Please submit the draft of your paper with the information requested above directly to violetta.korsakova@uj.edu.pl no later than the 22nd of January 2023.

More information: Call for Papers

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