Worth a look
“Lászlo Lakner. Infinitum” Exhibition at the Olomouc Museum of Art
Art and Heritage in Central Europe
Museum of Modern Art in Olomouc invites you for an exhibtion of Lászlo Lakner (April 15, 1936, Budapest), one of the most important artists and actors of the Hungarian neo-avant-garde.
Interest in the Central European neo-avant-garde is on the rise again in the contemporary art world, with the exploration of the legacy of pictorial realism playing a specific role within it. As an isolated phenomenon, it has so far received attention rather haphazardly, in connection with the work of particular personalities or schools. It is as if it were a personal inclination rather than a general basis of artistic production or the foundation of visual culture.
What is unique, is the attempt to embrace (figurative) painting and the forms of realism of the second half of the 20th century and the first decades of the 21st century on a broader Central European scale. This is facilitated by the composition of the author team, the contextualisation of the author’s production (with the help of Daniel Balabán, Daniel Fischer, Milan Knížák, Daniel Pitín, Danuta Urbanowicz, whose works are part of the permanent exhibition Century of Relativity) and the participation of important collection and memory institutions operating in the region. The exhibition is accompanied by an independent monograph prepared in cooperation with the Brno publishing house Stará pošta.
Curators: Dávid Fehér, Barbora Kundračíková
Collections: Museum of Fine Arts – Hungarian National Gallery (Budapest), Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art (Budapest), Municipal Gallery – Kiscell Museum (Budapest), King St Stephen Museum (Székesfehérvár), private collections
The project was created based on institutional support for the long-term conceptual development of a research organization provided by the Ministry of Culture, Czech Republic. It is prepared in cooperation with the Museum of Fine Arts – Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest and MODEM Debrecen.
Exhibition is open from 29 February to 19 May 2024.
Read more: https://muo.cz/en/vystavy/laszlo-lakner-infinitum-2/
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