Worth a look

Art and Heritage in Central Europe

Summer Exhibitions at the National Gallery in Prague (Trade Fair Palace)

Art and Heritage in Central Europe

Check out exhibitions available this summer in the Trade Fair Palace (Veletržní palác) – one of the branches of the National Gallery in Prague.

  1. Biennale “Matter of Art”, exploring whether and how it is possible to do larger-scale exhibition projects as political and institutional interventions. The first two editions, held in 2020 and 2022, helped to establish the biennale as a space for voices and perspectives that are not often present or go unnoticed in the mainstream public discourse, even though they can offer lessons in resilience and solidarity. The biennale continues this line in the current edition, foregrounding acts of resistance as resources for hope. Current exhibition is available until September 29, 2024. Read more: https://www.ngprague.cz/en/event/3956/matter-of-art
  2. “Love, Death, and the Beyond. The Graphic Series of Max Klinger” – the graphic arts cabinet presents a selection from ensemble Intermezzi (Opus IV, 1881) and the series On Death (Opus XI, 1889) by a German painter and sculptor Max Klinger (1857-1920). The exhibition is available until September 22, 2024. More information: https://www.ngprague.cz/en/event/4063/laska-smrt-a-vecnost-graficke-cykly-maxe-klingera
  3. “František Bohumír Zvěřina – Summer in the Balkans” – František Bohumír Zvěřina (1835–1908) ranks among those figures who are referred to as “forgotten” artists. The graphic arts cabinet presents Zvěřina’s distinctive scenes from the Balkans, whose thematic oddity corresponds effectively with his unique artistic style. The exhibition is available until September 15, 2024. More information: https://www.ngprague.cz/en/event/4064/frantisek-bohumir-zverina-prazdniny-na-balkane
  4. “Filomena Borecká: Breath of Silent Thoughts” – the artwork of Filomena Borecká (1977), a Czech artist living in Paris, focuses on themes that are visually difficult to grasp – breathing, relationships, the passage of time. Filomena Borecká expresses herself through drawing, which gives her the opportunity to capture the immediate moment and authentic experience. The exhibition is available until September 15, 2024. More information: https://www.ngprague.cz/en/event/3918/filomena-borecka-dech-tichych-myslenek
  5. “No Feeling Is Final. The Skopje Solidarity Collection” – https://herito.pl/en/ahice-en/no-feeling-is-final-the-skopje-solidarity-collection-exhibition-at-the-national-gallery-in-prague/

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