Peter Krečič
Art historian and critic, for many years director of the Museum of Architecture in Ljubljana. In the years 1988–1998 he lectured at the Department of Landscape Architecture in the Biotechnical Institute at the University of Ljubljana, and in 1998 he moved to the Architecture Department at the same university. He has also lectured at the architecture departments of universities in Lund, London, Warsaw, Sarajevo and the USA (UCLA Los Angeles, Catholic University Washington, Virginiatech, Blacksburg, Princeton University, and Minnesota State University). His main interests are issues connected with European and Slovenian modernism, post-modernism and the avant-garde. In this context he devotes particular attention to the life and work of the Trieste painter Avgust Černigoj, a graduate of the Bauhaus, and the architect Jože Plečnik, subjects on which he has written several books.