Worth a look

Art and Heritage in Central Europe

6th International Triennial of Textile Art “Textile Art of Today” at the Danubiana Meulensteen Art Museum

Art and Heritage in Central Europe

A meeting of a professional selection committee selected the final composition of artists for the 6th annual Textile Art of Today exhibition. Commission composed of: Anna Ondrušeková (Tatra Gallery, Poprad), Júlia Sabová (Academy of Fine Arts, Bratislava), Ria Treppo (member of the preparatory committee of the Textile Art of Today, Austria), Vladimír Beskid (J. Koniarik Gallery, Trnava), Andrej Augustín (director of Textile Art of Today), Ľudovít Petránsky (member of the preparatory committee of Textile Art of Today) – were selecting the best artworks from the total number of 312 registered artists, while the student section was submitted by 40 talented authors. The commission carefully assessed each work of the submitted author and, after careful consideration, it decided to select a total of 83 authors from all continents of the world for the 6th year of the international festival, including 17 students.

4th September 2021 – 14th November 2021, Bratislava, Danubiana Meulensteen Art Museum
Curator: Júlia Sabová (SK)
Concept: Andrej Augustín (SK)

Read more: https://danubiana.sk/en/vystavy/6-medzinarodne-trienale-textilu?

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