Worth a look
CALL FOR PAPERS: “Enchanted Socialist Modernity? Art of Central and Eastern Europe in the face of esoterism and unconventional spiritualities 1945-1989” (online, 27-28 Jun 23)
Art and Heritage in Central Europe
The already legendary exhibition “The Spiritual in Art: Abstract Painting 1890–1985” (1986) at the Country Museum of Art in Los Angeles challenged formalist readings of modernism and began the process of its radical reconceptualization by identifying the links between 19th-century spirituality and the development of Western abstraction. Over the next decades, the study of the relationship between artistic creation and broadly understood manifestations of spirituality has become an important area of research on contemporary art, which in recent years has taken on some features of a “spiritual turn”.
The conference organised by Institute of Art History, University of Warsaw, seeks to consider the relationship between the project of a socialist state and the revival of esoteric/occult traditions in the art of the region after World War II. The goal is to outline a symbolic, alternative artistic geography of Central and Eastern Europe in the years 1945-1989, whose topography will be determined not so much by geopolitical borders, but rather imagined spiritual communities.
The conference will be held in English via Zoom. In keeping with our desire to increase the opportunity for discussion and debate, the format will be short papers/presentations (20 minutes) followed by 15 minutes discussion. UW welcomes contribution by scholars from across a range of disciplines and national and international perspectives. A post-conference publication is planned (peer-reviewed book; details will be announced at a later date).
Timeline and procedure:
Please submit your abstract of 300-400 words (max) with brief academic biography (no longer than 250 words) by 12th March, 2023 to one of the following:
Justyna Balisz-Schmelz: j.balisz-schmelz@uw.edu.pl
Kamila Dworniczak: kamila.dworniczak@uw.edu.pl
Notification of acceptance will be sent by 16th April, 2023.
More information: CFP-Enchanted-Socialist-Modernity
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