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Call for Papers: “The Art–Labour Relationship in Contemporary Art in Central and Eastern Europe, 1991–present” (Vilnius, May 9–10, 2024)
Art and Heritage in Central Europe
With the fall of the Iron Curtain and the restoration of democracy in Central and Eastern European countries, radical changes in all spheres of life were accompanied by equally remarkable changes in artists’ working practices and conceptions. Eastern bloc countries, especially the former USSR members, rushed to embrace art practices and art histories they missed under the control and censorship of now collapsed regimes. New art forms and strategies (performance, installation, public interventions, collaborative practices, media art) flourished, and conceptual acuity and organisational competencies grew in importance next to professional artist’s skills, often even overshadowing them.
The Institute of Art Research, Vilnius Academy of Arts, in partnership with the Contemporary Art Centre Vilnius organise the conference “The Art–Labour Relationship in Contemporary Art in Central and Eastern Europe, 1991–present” in Vilnius on May 9–10, 2024.
Keynote speakers:
Josefine Wikström (Assistant Professor of Dance Theory, Stockholm University of the Arts)
Lars Bang Larsen (Head of Art & Research at Art Hub Copenhagen (AHC)) & Søren Andreasen (Artist, Copenhagen)
Scientific Committee:
Caterina Preda (University of Bucharest)
Edgaras Gerasimovičius (Vilnius Academy of Arts)
Harry Weeks (Newcastle University)
Katalin Krasznahorkai (Brandenburgische Gesellschaft für Kultur und Geschichte)
Lina Michelkevičė (Vilnius Academy of Arts)
Marquard Smith (University College London / Vilnius Academy of Arts)
Pascal Gielen (University of Antwerp)
Proposals for 20 min presentations in English should be submitted by October 31, 2023, by filling the CFP form at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf12j4-IXw8B5OpAZSaVUpNcE6L1nLPvLMUxRJWXwMg5-Ya-w/viewform.
For any further questions please contact the conference conveners Edgaras Gerasimovičius, edgaras.gerasimovicius@stud.vda.lt, or Lina Michelkevičė, lina.michelkevice@vda.lt.
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