Worth a look
Current exhibitions at Trade Fair Palace in Prague (National Gallery Prague)
Art and Heritage in Central Europe
The National Gallery Prague invites you to visit their exhibitions at Trade Fair Palace (Veletržní palác) available from 23rd September 2022 to 8th January 2023:
– “Open Storage of the Art of Asia”
After almost ten years in the Kinský Palace, the Art of Asia exhibition moved to the southern wing of the Trade Fair Palace’s first floor, where it is shown in the so-called open storage. The Schaudepot, an exhibition format which optimises the number of artworks accessible for immediate study by displaying them in glass showcases that allow a three-dimensional view. The open storage thus makes more than 600 artworks of Asian provenance from the National Gallery Prague available for viewing.
More information: https://www.ngprague.cz/en/event/216/open-depository-of-asian-art
– “Jindřich Chalupecký Award 2022”
The international jury of the Jindřich Chalupecký Award 2022 has shortlisted five artists for the 33rd edition of the most significant Czech award for artists under 35 years of age. These are: Olga Krykun, David Přílučík, Vojtěch Rada, Martina Drozd Smutná and Ezra Šimek. The Jindřich Chalupecký Society and the National Gallery Prague have teamed up again to organize a collective exhibition curated by the artistic and curatorial duo Jaro Varga and Anetta Mona Chisa, which will open on 23 September at Veletržní palác. Together with the exhibition of art work created by the Award’s laureates, a presentation of the works by this year’s international guest, Thai multimedia artist Korakrit Arunanondchai, will introduced.
More information: https://www.ngprague.cz/en/event/3350/jindrich-chalupecky-award-2022
– “Amidst Smoke Rings: Portrait of a Modern Artist”
What compelled the painters Jan Preisler, František Kupka, Emil Filla, and Bohumil Kubišta to put down the palette and brush and portray themselves with smoking attributes ? The exhibition Amidst Smoke Rings will reveal what this type of self-portrait conveyed about the transition of a traditionally perceived artist into an independent creator.
The exhibition will pursue the depiction motif of an artist as a smoker from the Baroque era to the interwar period with a special focus on the art of the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The individual chapters will present the cigarette in the artist’s hand as a symbol of a dandy (Anselm Feuerbach, Beneš Knüpfer), decadent (Edvard Munch, Karel Hlaváček), and symbolist creator (Jan Preisler, František Kupka). The pipe as an attribute of a painter and poet can be seen in Cubist paintings (Pablo Picasso Bohumil Kubišta, Emil Filla), in caricatures produced during the interwar avant-garde period (Adolf Hoffmeister), and in works by Josef Váchal. A special section will be devoted to the visualisation of smoke in visual arts, to the portrait of a woman smoker (Karel Špillar, Alfons Mucha). The exhibition will also display photography (Josef Sudek, František Drtikol, Jaroslav Rössler) and applied arts that will adumbrate a wider context of the period smoking culture.
More information: https://www.ngprague.cz/en/event/3382/amidst-smoke-rings-portrait-of-a-modern-artist
– “No One Belongs Here More Than You”
The central exhibition of the Fotograf Festival presents artistic strategies that recognize attack on civil rights and liberties, understanding it as symptomatic of the shift from a democratic to an authoritarian political order. Departing from the notion of chronopolitics, the exhibition contests political tendencies that draw a coherent line from a pristine past to an idealised future that must be defended against the supposed threats of diversity, gender sensitivity, and the empowerment of marginalised groups. The presented works of predominantly Central European artists accentuate the historical conditioning of the current repressive tendencies, developing possible forms of resistance by artistic means.
More information: https://www.ngprague.cz/en/event/3409/No-One-Belongs-Here-More-Than-You
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