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Esterházy Art Award 2023 Exhibition at the Ludwig Muzeum in Budapest
Art and Heritage in Central Europe
The Esterházy Privatstiftung has announced the Esterházy Art Award again in 2023. An international jury of experts selected up to 25 artists from the submitted entries: the shortlisted entries are presented in an exhibition at the Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art.
The independent jury of the Esterházy Art Award has nominated 18 artists for the prize. For the eighth edition of the competition, 262 artists applied. Entries were open to paintings and site-specific installations (or plans) in the field of painting.
Artists nominated for the Award: Bede Kincső, Bernáth Dániel, Birkás Mona, Ember Sára, Gallov Péter, Horváth Gideon, Király Gábor, Kis Róka Csaba, Kristóf Gábor, Lőrincz Áron, Mendreczky Karina és Kortmann-Járay Katalin, Oláh Norbert, Pap Gábor, Pintér Gábor, Süveges Rita, Tollas Erik, Trapp Dominika, Vékony Dorottya.
Esterházy Art Award Winners: HORVÁTH Gideon, MENDRECZKY Karina, KORTMANN-JÁRAY Katalin and TRAPP Dominika.
The exhibition is available until March 3, 2024.
Read more: https://www.ludwigmuseum.hu/en/exhibition/esterhazy-art-award-2023-breaking-frame-making-future
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