Worth a look
Call for Papers: “Contested Infrastructures. Art Criticism and the Institutionalisation of Art” (55. Congress of AICA International, 13-17 November 2023, Cracow)
Art and Heritage in Central Europe
On the occasion of the AICA congress to be held in Kraków, the organisers welcome everyone willing to discuss the extent to which contemporary artistic, critical and curatorial practices require institutional support, what institutions they need, and to what extent they can contribute to counteracting the global ecological and economic crises. While acknowledging the significance of the theme for practitioners within the Eastern-European region, they encourage delegates from all over the world to share their perspectives, point towards problems from different localities and contribute to the exchange of situated knowledges and experiences across national, regional or continental borders. The multi-scalar nature of contemporary social, cultural or environmental phenomena poses a daunting challenge to institutions like AICA itself. At the 2023 congress, they would like to address it directly.
They encourage the proposals for 15-20 min. presentations in English. Please send abstracts of ca. 300 words to: contestedinfrastructures@gmail.com. On-site presentation will be preferred. Deadline May 15th 2023. The speakers will be informed about the acceptance of their proposals by May 30th 2023. The post-Congress publication will be in the “Art and Documentation” peer-reviewed journal indexed in the Web of Science.
More information: http://aica.sztuka.edu.pl/kongres/
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