Worth a look
“Titian’s Vision of Women” exhibition at the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna
Art and Heritage in Central Europe
Shortly after 1500, Titian in Venice began to produce paintings in which women were depicted in a new light. Inspired by contemporary love poetry and literature, Titian and his contemporaries – including Palma Vecchio, Lorenzo Lotto, Paris Bordone, Jacopo Tintoretto and Paolo Veronese – began to create poetic, sensual, idealizing (and ground-breaking) depictions of women that inspired European painting for centuries.
The exhibition “Titian’s Vision of Women” (“Tizians Frauenbildern”) examines the Venetian image of women in the context of sixteenth-century ideals and contemporary society. In his paintings of women Titian celebrates them as the most splendid subject in life, in love and in art. High-calibre loans from international museums and collections join selected masterpieces from the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna to illustrate this fascinating, multi-facetted topic.
The exhibition is open from 5 October 2021 to 16 January 2022.
Read more: https://tiziansfrauenbild.khm.at/en/
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